Sports Day 2019

Posted by System Administrator on 02 Jul 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Pupils competing in a track event held at Pocklington School Sports Day

The 2019 Sports Day was bathed in glorious sunshine in probably the warmest day of the year so far. A large crowd of spectators enjoyed this highly competitive event and provided a really positive atmosphere.

The winners of the day are listed below:

Wray Cup

Best performer - Lower School Girl

Ellie Quick

Maisie Spruyt


Bradley Trophy

Best performer - Lower School Boy

Luke Woodhead


Wood Trophy

Best performer - Middle School Girl

Carmen Brooks


Todd Challenge Trophy

Best performer - Middle School Boy

Henry Rodmell


G W Holmes Victor Ludorum Medal

Carmen Brooks


Pocklington School Lower School Athletics Trophy

Lower School House Winners



Pocklington School House Athletics Trophy (first presented in 1919)

Middle School House Winners



Champions Cup

Overall House Winner



To view a Flickr album from Sports Day, please click here.