Year Six pupils enjoy a taste of Buddhism

Posted by System Administrator on 27 Feb 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Jam sandwiches showed Pocklington Prep School pupils how the world is inter-connected during a trip to the Buddhist Meditation Centre at Kilnwick Percy.

One of the activities the Year 6 children took part in was called “How many people does it take to make a jam sandwich?” This involved creating a flow chart showing how bees pollinate the flowers which grow into strawberries for jam, and how the sun helps grow the wheat for the flour which bakers use to make bread.

Prep School teacher Anna Hughes said: “We had a really interesting day at the Centre as part of our Religious Studies and PHSE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons. We’ve been studying Buddhism and this brought to life a lot of the principles we’d looked at in the classroom, like how everything is interconnected and infinite.

“There was time for reflection and quiet, too, as they experienced some meditation techniques. Not all the pupils were keen on being quiet -  but they enjoyed the day as a chance to think. It was a mindful and peaceful day.”  

Year 6 Pupil Carys Haeney said: “I liked meditation as I really like being quiet and shutting out the stress of the world.”

Pupils walked through muddy and rain-soaked paths from the Prep School to reach the Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre. They also had a look around the Centre’s walled gardens and wood during their trip.

They wrote about their impressions of the visit when they returned to school, and will continue their topic by looking at the similarities and differences between Buddha and Jesus.


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