Year 6 pupils enjoy Shakespeare Workshop
This term, Pocklington Prep Year 6 pupils are studying Romeo and Juliet as part of their curriculum. To launch this exciting topic, a practitioner who is an actor and director with Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London, was invited into school for the day to deliver a practical workshop.
The Globe Theatre works with schools throughout the UK and internationally to make Shakespeare’s language, stories and characters accessible to students of all ages and abilities and help to make it an inspirational, fun, learning experience.
With help from the visiting practitioner, the children enjoyed becoming Montagues and Capulets for the day, playing games and insulting and arguing with each other in Shakespearean language!
They learnt that there are many ways of interpreting and playing Shakespeare’s words and tried some of the techniques used by professional actors on the Globe stage.
Mrs Foster, Prep School subject leader in English said: “This was a great activity to familiarise the children with the story and characters in Romeo and Juliet and they are now ready to get their teeth into some creative work based on the play!”
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