Year 2 pupils welcome a Bedouin tribesman from the Rub Al Khali Desert of Oman

Posted by System Administrator on 27 Apr 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Year 2 pupils with the Bedouin Tribesman

Pocklington Prep School Year 2 pupils were delighted to welcome their visitor to the classroom, a Bedouin tribesman from the Empty Quarter desert – Rub Al Khali Desert of Oman.

He told them a desert story about life as an eight year old boy looking after his family’s herd of goats and then answered questions about life in the desert.

The children learnt about the tribesman’s dress and how it provides protection from the harsh desert environment, especially the heat of the sun and the very dry conditions.

They discussed why tribes are nomadic and learnt about activities of daily life in the desert, such as digging for water, each family member helping each other and how useful goats and camels are for providing meat, milk and cloth.

Year 2 Teacher, Mrs Walton said: “It was an inspiring visit!  The children were truly mesmerised and left with a greater understanding and knowledge, including how to say some common Arabic greetings.

“The children have been enjoying the Bedouin tent role play area in the classroom where they can dress up and retell stories as if sat around a campfire at night, as the Bedouin  tribesmen do in the desert, passing moral stories down generation to generation by word of mouth.”


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