Workshop helps students make A level choices

Posted by System Administrator on 03 Feb 2020

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Pocklington School students with Jon from UnitasterdaysFifth Year pupils facing decisions about which A level and BTEC courses to take next year were helped by interactive workshops organised by the Careers Department.

Ninety students attended the advice-packed sessions intended to help students make informed choices, whether they had a clear idea of a future career or were unsure about next steps.

Each workshop looked at areas like useful subject combinations, courses which require specific A level and BTEC qualifications, why people consider university, and what facilitating subjects are.

Students completed exercises exploring the different university courses available – more than 40,000, including some unusual options like Golf Management and Brewing and Distilling.

The sessions were delivered by higher education expert Jon Cheek, of UniTasterDays Ltd, and used interactive clickers to gauge the impact of the sessions on pupils’ knowledge and confidence in making the right decisions.

Gillian Jones, Careers and University Adviser, said: “The aim of the event was to get students to think about how the choices they make now could affect their future and help them make informed decisions. The interactive nature of the workshops added a fun element and tested the students’ preconceptions and knowledge. It was an entertaining and informative afternoon!”

Pocklington School provides comprehensive information and support to every student to help them make choices which will serve them well for life. As well as regular career talks, we offer one-to-one guidance and specialist advice to broaden students’ horizons and help instil the confidence to shape their own future.


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