Very first School Magazine 'The Chronicle'

Posted by System Administrator on 21 Feb 2024

Modified by System Administrator on 21 Feb 2024

First ever article from the very first issue of the Pocklington Grammar School Chronicle from December 1881

This is the first ever article from the very first issue of the Pocklington Grammar School Chronicle:-


THE starting of a new paper is always a difficult matter,
especially when it takes the form of the " POCKLINGTON
GRAMMAB SCHOOL CHRONICLE." The first question that
would probably be asked, by those who are expected to be
its main supporters, would be, "What is the use of it?"
which we think can be readily answered by asking another,
viz., " What should we have known of our forefathers, of
our country, or of the world in general, if no chronicles
had been made and kept ? " Historians long ago recorded
facts which were occurring in their times, or had occurred
before them, and their records have been collected by compilers
of larger histories, by the perusal of which we are
able to know what happened in our country, and in other
places, hundreds of years ago, and so down to our own time;
therefore, why should not the students of the Pocklington
Grammar School, one and all, unite in starting the paper,
by contributing interesting subjects respecting school life,
upon which they can look back hereafter with pleasure, aye,
and enjoy almost as heartily as they did when the different
events were passing ? Judging from what we have heard
our elders say of their boyish tricks, and the pleasure with
which they evidently speak of them, we are persuaded that
many of the Pocklington Grammar School boys will be delighted
to look back, now and then, through these Chronicles
with as keen an enjoyment of them as any of our elders can
have in telling of their boyhood or school-day reminiscences……….



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