The Senior School play, based on Daisy Pulls It Off, was a rollicking 1 ¾ hour romp in which one hilarious scene followed another, gathering momentum for a wild ending of treasure-hunting, Charleston dancing, triumph and balloons.
Abigail Foster as Daisy and Fiona Tilsed as her lisping pal Trixie had enormous fun as they joined forces with an incompetent scout troop led by the wonderful Hannah East to find the missing treasure. The story more or less followed the original: Daisy joins a rich school in 1927 and has to win friends, overcome enemies, win a hockey tournament and survive in order to find the treasure, despite the pranks and bullying of her classmates.
Stand out scenes included the cliff rescue, complete with silent movie music; a frenzied hockey match; the meeting between the scouts and Daisy at midnight with her line:
"Enemies! Well you’ve chosen the wrong girl here. I’m no inbred snooty posh girl: I’m from Leeds! I’ll beat the daylights out of you! Come on!"
And arguably best of all, the teachers’ celebration with cups of tea laced with vodka. Their descent in drunken dancing and singing (‘Macaroons! Miss Scoblowski!’) was perfectly judged by Ellie-Mae Rooke, outstanding as the Headmistress.
Steven Ryan’s set perfectly evoked an old fashioned school, complete with arched windows, a corridor, secret panels, a changing room and a study and found its match with Cheryl White’s superb period costuming. The oil painting of a past Head who looked suspiciously like Mr Ronan was surely coincidental.
Great work by all, not least by Josh Thornton as Vic the leader scout; Ollie Spink as Pip the intellectual puzzle-solver; and especially Tom Brown who landed the role of Mole, the dim but loveable one with strong hands who fell in love with Trixie. What a super evening: it was wonderfully entertaining and a winning contrast with last year’s brutal Animal Farm.
- Alan Heaven, Head of Drama
For a photo album of the show please click here.
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