Thea is Prep School’s first word millionaire!

Posted by System Administrator on 30 Nov 2021

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Girl reading a book in Pocklington Prep classroom

Year 6 pupil, Thea Hibbs, has become Pocklington Prep School’s first ‘word millionaire’, for reading a million words since beginning the Accelerated Reader programme in September this year.

The introduction of the reading scheme coincided with the unveiling of the brand-new Prep School library, which was transformed into a fresh, inspiring space over the summer holidays, with beautiful mural designs and a plethora of new books for pupils to enjoy.

The Accelerated Reader programme helps teachers support and monitor children’s reading practice and is designed to motivate pupils to read and foster a love of words and books. Pupils choose a book at an appropriate level, which is assigned points based on factors including word count, sentence length and vocabulary. After the book is completed, a short reading quiz is taken to earn the points and measure how much of the book has been understood.  

Pocklington Prep School Library

Thea commented: “I was so happy to become the Prep School's first reading millionaire. I love reading because it can take you into a different imaginary world every time. It's one of my favourite things to do and I really like spending time in the new school library.”

Suzy Ward, Head of Prep School, presented Thea with a certificate and badge for her achievement and hopefully she will be the first of many word millionaires, as other pupils are inspired to achieve the same goal.  Prep School are currently devising a hall of fame to be displayed in the new library, and plan to hold a word millionaire celebration party at the end of the academic year to recognise the achievements of all word millionaires in the school. 

Jen Cliff, Year 6 teacher said: “We are finding the introduction of the Accelerated Reading programme and our brand-new library have really inspired the children across Prep School to foster a love of reading and it is great to see the facility so well used both in class and break times.” 


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