Students launch GoGreen magazine

Posted by System Administrator on 11 Dec 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Pocklington School Gogreen magazineChristmases should be white shouldn’t they? That’s the theme of the first issue of GoGreen, a student-produced magazine focused on climate change and how we can all be more environmentally responsible.

The magazine is led by Pocklington School’s Eco Committee, managed by our staff eco champions and a student body. All articles are student-led, with insights into what’s happening to our world, what should be happening, and what we can all do to help to be more green.

Magazine coordinator Kai Swanborough (Fourth Year) said: “I’m excited by the amount of potential this magazine shows as a platform to spread the word for the school students, staff and parents, and encourage them to be more eco-friendly.”

GoGreen is aimed to be published termly, with each issue addressing a major topic as the world assesses the future implications and risks of global warming.  As befits its values and title, it is only available digitally via its website,, with no hard copies printed.

The magazine also has a bespoke online article writing system incorporated into its website, allowing students and staff to submit articles and ideas direct to the editorial team.

Nikki Robertson & Olivia Morris, the staff who work together as the school’s environmental champions, said: “Our first term as environmental champions has been hugely rewarding and the support from students, staff and parents has been incredible so far!

“We embarked on this journey with one shared vision; to educate our students and empower them to be the ones who make a change. Our aim is to create a culture in school where pupils make decisions more consciously, considering their impact on the earth through their everyday habits. One term in to the school year, we are already seeing so many positive changes, all at the hands of our ever-growing Eco Committee.

“Soon after this group of like-minded, compassionate individuals came together, they named their mission ‘Project Green’. In our meetings, we share and discuss our concerns, coming up with solutions where possible.  With staff across the foundation in full support, we have been able to implement many new initiatives. We have had inspiring, environmentally-focused art installations, a clamp down on single use plastic, some thought-provoking assemblies, an insightful website, a magazine launch and tree planting! All in a term’s work!

“We are incredibly proud of our magazine co-ordinator Kai and his team. We look forward to whatever Project Green may bring us in the New Year.”



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