Show Jumpers qualify for County Championships

Posted by System Administrator on 07 Mar 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Show jumpers qualify for County NSEA ChampionshipsPhoto: Year 5 Pocklington Prep School pupil, Harriet Hodge, with her two ponies and Clare Bracken, teacher i/c Equestrian at Pocklington School

Several members of the Pocklington School equestrian team will represent East Yorkshire in the National Schools Equestrian Association (NSEA)’s show jumping County Championships after competing in the recent qualifier.

Our riders braved the cold conditions at the Northallerton Equestrian Centre as they competed alongside schools from across Yorkshire, Co Durham, Cumbria and Northumberland, for the right to represent the region as a team and as individuals.

The day started well with Emily O’Gram, Noah Marsh, Daisy Shepherd and Polly Raper – on her debut – being first into the arena in the 65cm jump height class.  Daisy and Noah went clear and fast, achieving 2nd and 4th place respectively.

Show jumpers qualify for County NSEA ChampionshipsHarriet Hodge, another debut rider, continued the good form by winning the overall 70 cm class and was selected to represent East Yorkshire in April at the County Championships at Bury Farm Equestrian Club, Buckinghamshire. Harriet rode two horses in the class, securing a worthy 4th overall place on her second pony.

The 80 cm class, which is usually our strength, saw several poles down but gave riders the practice needed for the 90 cm class. In this class the team of Harriet Thompson, Bea Nicholson, Mimi Jackson and Georgina Elliott went on to win their section, also qualifying for the County Championships.

The quartet, minus Bea Nicholson, replicated their performance in the 1m class. Hattie Thompson and Emma Forsyth, riding her new pony, Stan, qualified as individual riders in the 90 cm and 1m class respectively.

Clare Bracken, Pocklington School Deputy Head and teacher i/c equestrian said: “The commitment and time the girls, and their parents, have dedicated to this competition paid off with an impressive performance. Thanks to all.”


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