‘School’s in’- Pocklington Prep School’s freely available ‘project-based resources hub’ keeps learning at the forefront over the summer period.

Posted by System Administrator on 09 Jul 2020

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

‘School’s in’- Pocklington Prep School’s freely available ‘project-based resources hub’ keeps learning at the forefront over the summer period.
Boy Pupil enjoying lessons

Pocklington Prep School is sharing a unique collection of remote learning resources which have been used during the period of school closure. Pupils across EYFS, Key Stages 1 and 2 have been immersed in a project-based learning approach, designed to engage pupils and develop independence while learning from home. This wide-ranging selection of resources is now freely available online to anyone who would like to access them. 

The closure of schools in March due to the coronavirus pandemic brought a great deal of uncertainty for pupils and their parents, who, helped by their teachers, began adjusting to educating in the home setting. The school’s aim was to provide the best support that we could offer to our families during the period of school closure, to ensure that all our pupils continued to make progress whilst learning in a fun and engaging way that was not unwieldy for parents to manage.

Prepared by Pocklington Prep School’s team of specialist teachers, the project-based resources hub is designed to support parents to provide learning opportunities at home that are both purposeful and fun. Each stand-alone project includes a range of open-ended and creative activities that help children to develop key, age-appropriate skills, whilst also fostering independence. From  ‘mind, body and soil’ to ‘reflections and aspirations’, there are projects that will capture a range of interests

All of the resources are available online at https://pocklington.fireflycloud.net/summer-learning-resources and include a variety of cross curricular projects suitable for all year groups from EYFS to Year 6.  From recorded lessons, web links and interactive games to guided Power Point presentations, linked musical activities and all manner of outdoor learning opportunities, the hub can be accessed free of charge by anyone. 

Cath Sweeting, Assistant Head: Curriculum said:

“We are delighted to share this programme with the wider community at a time when pulling together is vital to support all children’s education. After a long period away from school, the summer break may not quite have the same appeal this year. Since March, our pupils that have sadly not been able to return to school under government guidance, have experienced a structured programme of remote teaching and learning. As term ends and this structure is removed, and with limited options for usual holiday entertainment, many parents may find themselves wondering how to bridge the gap between now and September, when school will hopefully reopen to all. Our project-based resources have been designed to keep children stimulated and engaged whilst also helping them to develop and practise key skills ready for the transition into their new year group in September. We hope that many parents will take advantage of the engaging learning opportunities we are offering over the summer months.”


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