Pocklington School is sad to report that, on Wednesday 27th July, Mr Darrell Buttery MBE passed away, following a long illness.
Darrell was a former member of the English department here at Pocklington from 2001 to 2006. Following this, he was also a long-serving Governor of Pocklington School and was most recently a Life Patron of the Foundation.
Darrell was a well known and respected figure in York and the surrounding area and held a number of important civic roles in the locality.
For us here at School, he will be best remembered as a wonderful advocate for the Foundation, supporting boarders, attending concerts, fixtures, plays and all sorts of events throughout his time connected to us. He gave generously of his time and we are deeply grateful for this.
Darrell will be sorely missed by many in both the School and wider York community.
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