Radio Stars

Posted by System Administrator on 21 Feb 2024

Modified by System Administrator on 21 Feb 2024

Pupils and Staff become Radio Stars for the day!

Pupils and Staff become Radio Stars



Pocklington School took over the airwaves at BBC Radio
Humberside when its roving presenter, Phil White, presented
his Afternoon Show live from our grounds.
Phil is touring Northern Lincolnshire and East Yorkshire
on the Radio Humberside bus this year, broadcasting live
at a different location every weekday. He chose to park at
Pocklington School on Tuesday 16 May 2017 and spent the
afternoon chatting to teachers and students about various
aspects of School and Prep School life.
Staff and students rose to the challenge of live radio interviews
and did a superb job, engaging in relaxed conversation on a
show listened to by 100,000 people per week.
The interviews covered the breadth of co-curricular activities
available at the School, events like Charity Week and the Prep
School's recent Science Week, the adventures of our famous
space bear, Major William - and the all-important lunch menu.
Listeners learnt about the history of the School from Archivist
Mrs Edwards and the focus the School places on good pastoral
care, and heard a performance of the anthem The Drowsy
Chaperone by Lower Sixth Former lona Kay, who played
the role of the Drowsy Chaperone in the Musical Theatre
Society's recent production.


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