Statement from Pocklington School Foundation: Racism in cricket

Posted by System Administrator on 17 Nov 2021

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Members of our community will be aware of the recent allegations of racism in cricket that are centred on Yorkshire County Cricket Club. As a proud Yorkshire School with a long history of cricket, we want to make our stance clear.

There is no place for racism in cricket or the world. We take a zero-tolerance approach to any form of behaviour that is not inclusive to all, regardless of their race, sexuality, disability, religion or gender. We made this clear in 2020 when we published our statement in connection to the Black Lives Matter movement and since then have taken further steps to address this issue and will continue to do so in the future.

We were therefore very concerned to hear Mr Rafiq’s testimony, to include the allegations specific to David Byas. At the current time we are gathering further relevant information and as such it is not appropriate to comment further save to state that David denies all of the allegations made and, as you may be aware, has issued his own public statement to that effect.

Should any member of our community have any concerns they wish to raise, they should contact the School via


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