As the last week of Lent term arrived, the school reignited it's long-standing Charity Week traditions and invited students and staff alike to partake in a vast array of fundraising activities for this year’s four charities: Royal National Lifeboat Institution, Martin House Children’s Hospice, International Medical Corps and Yorkshire Swan and Wildlife Rescue.

With better weather than in 2022, the school grounds were bathed in sunshine, causing pupils to flock onto the field and St Nicholas’ Quad to take part in many amazing events organised by year groups in the four school houses. Pupils were presented with a cornucopia of savoury and sweet treats to purchase daily, as well as activities such as penalty shoot-outs, press-up and plank challenges, 3-aside football, and a tug-of-war competition. Furthermore, the houses of Dolman and Wilberforce organised a fundraising evening and a bacon sandwich stall respectively, adding significantly to their individual house totals.
In addition to the house events, a host of whole charity events also contributed to the fundraising total. Pupils formed lines full of eager anticipation for the staff v pupil football match, a giant game of musical chairs, and for brave members of staff and the Head Boy and Girl to be deluged with buckets of ‘vibrant gunge’. As Easter was nearly here, the Easter Bunny paid a daily visit to deliver Easter Eggs too!

All the week’s activities combined raised over £5000, which will be divided among the four charities based on the funds raised. Yet, before the final cheques are sent off, there is one last fundraising event taking place on Friday 16 June – the School Walk, where it is hoped sponsorship money from the pupils will further add to the current total.

Helen Alexander, teacher and Head of the Charity Committee at Pocklington School commented: “We are sincerely thankful to everyone who has participated in Charity Week 2023 and especially those willing volunteers who got ‘gunged’! After a hectic term, it is a wonderful sight to see the entire Senior School joining forces to help those in need and having a tremendous time doing it! Well done Team Pock!”
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