A watery theme inspired Prep School children to create impressive models, paintings and collages for its annual House Art competition.
Children across the year groups researched ideas in class before planning and making their own artwork in lesson time. Creations included paintings of waterfalls, sea creatures, reflections and droplets as well as some imaginative models. The winning House was Jervaulx.
The Pete Edward's Cup Winner, chosen by Head of Art Dan Cimmerman, was Daria Vornicel's Water droplet for its "Amazing reflection on the surface and ripples!"
Runner up was Hugo Cobb's Turtle with plastic bag, Mr Cimmerman’s comments were: "Love the surface of the Turtle and the rendering of the bag!"
Highly Commended was Ralph Moll's Fox reflection with "Adorable distorted reflection!"
Mr Cimmerman congratulated all the children on their hard work and was impressed by the standard of entry.
Art teacher Sarah Green said: “The children all interpreted the ‘Water’ theme brilliantly and I am really pleased with all of the creations. We were unfortunately unable to hold our usual Exhibition this year but the artworks deserve to be seen, therefore we have put together a video showcasing all of the work.”
Please click here to view the House Art Gallery 2020
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