Prep School Choir performs at York Minster

Posted by System Administrator on 15 Mar 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Pocklington Prep School Choir performs at York Minster

Pocklington Prep School Choir performed at York Minster in a special Choral Concert in aid of voluntary organisation Home-Start York, which offers support, friendship and practical help to local families.

The Prep choir joined choirs from six junior schools across York in the magnificent venue to sing songs from Jonah-Man Jazz, the musical about Jonah and the Whale by Michael Hurd. BBC Look North presenter Harry Gration MBE took on the role of narrator.

Gemma Briggs, Prep School Secretary, said: “The individual choirs had been rehearsing for some time but they only had the opportunity that afternoon to sing all together – they sounded absolutely fantastic!”

The concert involved the massed choirs of 15 schools from the region, more than 400 singers. The varied programme also featured senior school choirs, an adult choir called Prima Vocal Ensemble and The Home-Start orchestra.

The Prep School’s Head of Music, Cathie Dance, who directs the Prep School Choir, also sang with the combined senior school choirs as they performed Requiem by Gabriel Faure.

To finish the concert all the choirs performed the hymn The Spacious Firmament on High, composed by Richard Shephard MBE for Home-Start York... a wonderful finale which was a treat for the eyes and ears.

Year 6 pupil Hattie Cobb was one of two children asked to present a bouquet Harry Gration, the concert’s host, as the evening drew to a close.


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