Pre Prep School pupils marked World Religion Day with a series of activities to celebrate and learn more about the similarities and differences in religious culture and traditions.
Pre School children explored the Buddhist faith through themed activities, then welcomed Chris from the nearby Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre. He taught everyone the starfish meditation method which will certainly become part of the Pre-school routine, and talked about the five values Buddhists follow. The children then came up with their own promises to observe.
Robyn: “I liked making my handprint of promise. I promise to love my family!”
Amber: “I really liked making the lotus flower because it was pink and frilly.”
Reception children enjoyed looking at brightly coloured gods and temples as part of their study of Hinduism. Their Holi pictures replicated this array of colour brilliantly.
Amy: “This smells like lavender!” (it was star anise)
JK: “What are these?” Olivia: “They're chicken pea.” (chick peas)
Year 1 children spent the day learning about Sikhism. They had lots of fun watching videos of celebrations, trying on different clothing and looking at different artefacts and objects used in Sikhism. They looked at Sikhism’s important 5Ks (the five articles of faith), and watched a video about the Guru Granth Sahib, the religious and spiritual guide. Sikhs wave a ceremonial whisk, called a chauri, over it whenever it is read, and everyone then made their own chauri to take home.
Kitty: “I liked making the chauri and waving it around like they did over the holy book”
Oscar: “I liked dressing up in different outfits”
Year 2 children focused on Islam and learned about the story of Muhammed. They looked at different objects that are central to the Muslim faith, such as the Quran and prayer beads, and talked about the importance of prayer. They looked at the clothes some Muslim people wear and Mrs Walton dressed up as a Muslim lady in her abaya and hijab. The children then enjoyed creating Islamic art using pattern and colour.
Molly: “My best bit was learning about the patterns they use in art and that they always make a mistake as only God can make anything perfect.”
Tom: “I enjoyed hearing the story about Muhammed (PBUH) and how he went to Mecca and helped stop all the bad things happening there.”
Year 2 teacher Mrs Snelling said: “It is wonderful to see the children so engaged in learning and opening their eyes to other cultures and traditions.”
For more pictures from the day see a Flickr album here.
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