Pocklington School supports innovative learning app

Posted by System Administrator on 11 Sep 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Chatta, developed at Pocklington School, received a special recognition award from Bandar Baru Bangi School in MalaysiaPhoto: Chatta, developed at Pocklington School, received a special recognition award from Bandar Baru Bangi School in Malaysia

Pocklington School has been working closely with digital learning developers, Chatta, who have produced innovative learning apps which are being used to develop children’s oral communication skills in the UK and overseas.

The apps allow children to improve their conversational ability by uploading and talking about their photos or pictures. A recording option allows them to play back their words and better them or listen to them delivered by someone else.

Pocklington School is giving particular support to the development of Chatta English, which helps young people and adults learn and teach English as an acquired language. Chatta English has been shortlisted for Hull and East Yorkshire Digital Awards 2018, which celebrate and highlight the creative strides being made in the development and use of digital technology. The app is shortlisted for the Best Global Reach award, ahead of the Awards Ceremony in Hull on 20th September. Chatta has also recently won a Teach Early Years award for Communication, Language and Literacy.

The School uses Chatta English to support overseas boarders as they master the language. The app has already been successfully adopted by schools and colleges in Spain and Malaysia, and further exports are planned.

Chatta apps have been adapted to help various groups link language to their experiences, including early years learners and children with special needs, as well as people learning English as an acquired language. Independent assessment has shown the apps to be highly e?ective and one of the strengths of Chatta apps is that teachers and parents are intrinsically involved.

The Chatta app in use by studentsPocklington School also uses a Chatta app to support early years learning, and older students are expected to be involved in the continued development of its software.   

Chatta has been recognised by Creative England as part of its #CE50 2018 list of the best up and coming innovative individuals and companies across film, games and digital technology. One of its lead investors, David Rasche, is a previous Yorkshire business leader of the year and has significant experience in building software businesses, currently being chairman of a global software compan

Chris Williams, Chatta Co-Founder, said: “To be working in partnership with Pocklington School is an exciting opportunity for Chatta. The school’s strong reputation for excellence and innovation is a perfect fit for us and we look forward to working closely with staff and students.”

Mark Ronan, Headmaster of Pocklington School, said: “Pocklington School recognises the importance of education technology and is keen to explore the development of technology to further the education of all young people.

“We have enjoyed the opportunity to support Chris Williams and David Andrews for the last five years as they have developed the digital learning business which has evolved into Chatta, and we are delighted to be at the forefront of this very useful learning tool.”

He added: “This is an exciting opportunity for the school to develop resources that will benefit Pocklingtonians. Importantly, it will also support young people in less advantageous circumstances, as well as overseas students.”

For more information about Chatta, see: https://chattalearning.com/


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