Pocklington School invites donations to bursary campaign in memory of former pupil and teacher Malcolm Milne

Posted by System Administrator on 08 Feb 2022

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

portrait image of M Milne

Former pupils and members of the wider Pocklington School Community will have the opportunity to honour their old teacher and housemaster, the late Malcolm Milne by donating to the School’s ‘Shape the Future’ bursary campaign in his memory. 

Malcolm, or ‘Mally’ as he was affectionately known, was a pupil at Pocklington School from 1955 until 1962, returning in 1971 to teach geography. During his 32-year career as a teacher, tutor, housemaster and sports coach at the School, Malcolm earned pupils’ respect through his empathetic nature and his love of sport, nurturing them with his unflagging encouragement and compassion. 

Malcolm was also the Secretary to the Old Pocklingtonian Association (Pocklington School’s former pupil society) for more than 30 years, organised the annual Pixies’ cricket tour to Sussex for 50 years from the mid-60s, and in 1987 initiated the still popular staff golf day.  Malcolm’s lifelong love of sport, people and the School did not relent even after his retirement from teaching in 2003, as he regularly helped out with School and Old Pocklingtonian events, coached and umpired cricket and was a regular on the School’s rugby touchline.  

Malcolm was passionate about helping to make Pocklington School more accessible to as many deserving students as possible, regardless of their background, and played a key role in the planning of the School’s ‘Shape the Future’ campaign.   

Old Pocklingtonian Committee member and former student Simon Spence, who suggested the idea of making donations to the campaign in memory of Malcolm said: ‘’Mally Milne was a great believer in broadening the reach of a 'Pock' education as widely as possible and I am delighted that donations in his memory will go to the 'Shape the Future' campaign, which he was so instrumental in helping set up. I hope many former students, whose memories of him are as fond as mine, will want to donate to it.’’ 

The Shape the Future fundraising campaign is currently being rolled out to the Pocklington School community with information also available on its website at www.pocklingtonschool.com/support-us/shapethefuture


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