Pocklington Pixies Cricket Club Tour 2021
8-12 August 2021
The Pocklington Pixies Cricket Club are delighted to announce plans for the Pocklington Pixies Cricket Club 2021 tour dates.
This is a chance for faces old and new to come together and to look forward to a summer of sport, friendship and good cricket. Excellent accommodation is once again booked at The Bear Inn, Burwash, priced at a very reasonable rate per night. This, plus mini bus transport from Pocklington does make the week (or part of, if you are only joining us for part of the tour) financially viable.
We hope that this early notification allows you time to pencil in the dates in your diary. If you would like to play or spectate at this or any of the local fixtures, please download the Tour Information and Booking Form or email Pixies Secretary Charlie Lambert; even a ‘no’ helps the organisation! Alternatively, you can contact Rachel Dare in the OP office or Tel: 01759 321307.
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