Outstanding results reflect Pocklington School students' broad range of talent

Posted by System Administrator on 15 Aug 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Pocklington School A level students 2019Congratulations to our Upper Sixth Formers whose hard work has paid off with some outstanding A level results.

The students’ achievements reflect two years of dedication to their studies, alongside the development of their many skills and interests through diverse enrichment activities which have helped shape them into young men and women we are very proud of.

  • 12 of our students achieved all A/*A grades
  • 16 students gained at least 3 A*or A grades
  • Overall, 32.2% of the A level grades achieved by the students were A* or A (compared with a national figure of 25.5%)
  • 56.5% of grades achieved were the A* to B grades sought by Russell Group universities

As a result of their strong A level performance, at present 63% of students achieved places at their first choice of university, with 86% of students gaining a place at their first or second choice. 36% of these places are at Russell Group universities.

Amid concern about a national decline in the uptake of modern foreign languages in schools, Pocklington School’s continued commitment to these subjects is reflected in the fact 100% of our students achieved an A*-B grade in Spanish and German, with two thirds of Spanish grades at the A*/A level.

The Music Department achieved 100% A*/A grades, and continuing the success of last year, 100% of our Design students achieved A*-B grades in this subject.

Once again, our Further Mathematics students have performed well: three quarters of students gained A*-B grades. Likewise, three quarters of our History A level students achieved A*-B grades.

Several Lower Sixth students chose to stretch themselves academically by researching and producing independent Extended Project Qualifications or EPQs, which are among the broad range of enrichment qualifications we offer. 89% of them received A*/A grades, which is an early indicator of their ability to work well at university level.

We are also delighted with the success of our first cohort of BTEC students who achieved 100% pass rate in this year’s examinations.

Toby Seth, Headmaster, said: “My congratulations go to all students and staff who have worked hard for these results. We are proud of our students’ achievements inside and outside the examination hall as a Pocklington education is not just about what happens in the classroom but these results are vital in empowering our students to move on to the next chapter of their lives.

“With that in mind, we are delighted to see our students set off on the next stage of their journey and wish them all the very best of luck. We believe that these qualifications, allied to the Values and Virtues our students develop, will stand them in good stead to tackle whatever challenges their future holds”

Individual high achievers (results and their destinations) are:

Daniel Isenstein: Biology A*, Chemistry A*, Mathematics A* & EPQ A* - University of Edinburgh (Medicine)

Peter Massey: Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A*, Physics A, Chemistry A & EPQ A - University of Manchester (Physics with Philosophy), deferred to 2020 – Gap Year Teaching Assistant in Russia

Abby Chen: Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A*, Chinese A, Economics B, Physics B - London School of Economics (Actuarial Science)

Elizabeth Howie: Business A*, Psychology A*, Mathematics A & EPQ A* - Durham University (Psychology)

Livia Dytham: Chemistry A*, Mathematics A*, Biology A* & EPQ A - University of Liverpool  (Vet Science) - deferred to 2020 – Gap year in marine conservation in Fiji.

Jonty Goddard: Mathematics A*, Chemistry A, Economics A - University of Bath – (Chemistry with Management)

Tom Bean: Mathematics A*, Further Mathematics A, Spanish A, Physics B – University of Manchester (Spanish with Maths)

Alejandro Herráez Cortés: Chemistry A, Mathematics A, Spanish A*, Physics B – University of Manchester (Chemical Engineering)

Additionally, students who achieved 3As were:

Tiger Brash – University of Edinburgh (Vet Med)

Daniel Laing – University of Birmingham (Physics)

Luke Potter – Gap Year

Guy Prew - University of Birmingham (Dentistry)

Marco Li – University of Birmingham (Physiotherapy)

Roger Zhou – University of Manchester (Aerospace Engineering)

Several students are taking gap years to further extend their life skills, independence and confidence. Their plans include working as teaching assistants in Russia and New Zealand, working on conservation projects and gaining industry experience before taking up places at University in 2020. Talented musician Harry Kneeshaw is taking up the offer to join the Royal Academy of Music.

Student Pete Massey, who is taking a gap year to work as a teaching assistant in Russia, said: “I’m very happy with my results, especially with Further Maths. With the new specification this year the maths teachers have had to work extra hard, so a big thanks goes to them.”

Alejandro Herráez Cortés arrived at Pocklington School from Spain four years ago on a one-month placement and made so much progress he decided to stay. Today he is celebrating A level results of Chemistry A, Mathematics A, Spanish A*, Physics B and has been offered a place at Manchester University to study Chemical Engineering with a one year industry placement. He said: "I am very proud to have been part of Pocklington school and its boarding house family. Living with students from different countries has enriched me and given me a broader vision of my future career. I’d like to thank all Pocklington staff for increasing my personal and academic projections."

Emma Stewart said: “I’m so happy! My results were better than I expected and I wouldn’t have been able to get them without the support of the teachers. I’m going to do an Art Foundation course at Manchester Met as I’m not sure what I want to do yet and hopefully a year there will give me some ideas.”

Florence Colbeck, who is going to the New College of the Humanities, London, to study Art History said: “I really couldn’t be happier with my results. The exams feel like they were years ago now, but I’m relieved they’re over and excited for the next step.”

Chloe Asquith, who is going to the University of Edinburgh to study Social Anthropology and Politics said: “I’m so happy with my results! I can’t wait to start at Edinburgh in a few weeks’ time.”

Guy Prew, who has secured a place at the University of Birmingham to study Dentistry, said: “I’m really pleased and also relieved to have got what I needed for my University place. I woke up at 5.30 this morning and then waited a long half hour before I could check my results. I’ve had a great time at Pocklington School!”

Laura Powell, Curriculum Director and Head of Sixth Form, said: “It is fantastic to see our Upper Sixth students attaining results that will now open doors for them onto an inspiring and ambitious range of further study, training and employment opportunities.

“I am tremendously proud of all our Upper Sixth students, and the resilience and commitment they have shown over the last two years in pursuing challenging academic programmes, fulfilling their personal goals whilst also playing a crucial part in the wider school community.”


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