OP’s Hair-raising Charity Donation

Posted by System Administrator on 28 Mar 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


A hair dresser prepares Sean's locks prior to cutting for donation to the Little Princess TrustOP Sean Perryman (10-14) grew his hair for two years before having it all cut off and donating it to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which provides real hair wigs, free of charge to children and young adults that have lost their own hair through cancer treatment and other illnesses.

Sean was inspired to grow his hair and fundraise by his sister and a friend who had donated their hair to the charity.

Sean started growing his hair in February 2017 with the aim of growing it to a length of at least 12 inches (30cm).  On 18 February 2019, exactly two years after he started the challenge, the day finally came for Sean to part company with his long locks and he booked himself an appointment at the hairdresser’s to have it all cut off.

Sean's hair braided into pigtails ready for donation to the little princess charitySean set up a Just Giving page to raise money for the charity while he was growing his hair. He made a promise that the person or organisation giving the highest donation on his Just Giving page would be allowed to choose his hairstyle when he did eventually get it cut and that he would wear the style for a month! The eventual winner chose four green pigtails!

As well as donating his hair, Sean raised over £500.00 for the charity.


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