OP York Drinks - New for 2020

Posted by System Administrator on 08 May 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Front aspect of York Mansion House at twilight


Monday 16 March 2020

York Mansion House, St Helen’s Square, York

7.30pm to 8.45pm

The OP Association is holding an informal social drinks ‘drop in’ from 7.30pm to 8.45pm which will follow the Pocklington School Foundation Careers and Business Network event taking place earlier the same evening from 6pm. Come to both, just the Network event or just the drinks, whichever suits you.

Booking is required for the Network event or if you are just coming to the drinks, you can pop in anytime from 7.30 to 8.45pm. Please let us know by 4 March latest if you wish to attend the Network event, as places are limited. Just email the OP office to confirm.

For further information about the Network event featuring OP guest speakers Sam Moore (89-00)  and Sarah Gough (96-07) click here

Trevor Loten (70-80, OP President) and Sheena McNamee (current staff) will be at both the drinks and the Network event and they look forward to catching up with OPs.

Please help if you can by spreading the word amongst OPs from your year who are in the York area or live elsewhere but would like to come over for the event.

Thanks for your help and hope we can get a good crowd together for the event on 16 March – see you there!


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