OP opens new fashion boutique

Posted by System Administrator on 17 Jan 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Shop floor display inside Aura, the new women's fashion and lifestyle boutique opened in Ladygate, BeverleyOP Abi Dee (04-11) has opened Aura, a new Women’s Fashion and Lifestyle Boutique in Ladygate, Beverley.

Abi who has extensive knowledge and experience in the fashion industry having worked for companies such as Jack Wills and LK Bennett in London, opened the store in Ladygate in October 2018 with a launch party for friends and supporters.

Abi said: “Opening Aura is so exciting for me, but I’m aware that the hard work has just begun! I want to be innovative with the brands we are stocking.”

Brands include Dante 6, Mos Mosh, Rue de Femme, Ichi and Mercules and in selecting them she has tried to appeal to all age demographics.

Abi also has a website: www.aurastore.co.uk and is on social media via Instagram and Facebook.


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