OP Bentley Glennie (64-68) was one of thousands of pipers around the world to play ‘When the Battle’s O’er’ at 06:00hrs on Sunday11 November to mark the centenary of the guns falling silent at the end of the First World War.
Bentley took up the Northumbrian pipes in the early ‘90s after taking some time deciding which instrument to go for. He said: “After hearing acclaimed piper Kathryn Tickell play that was it! My music teacher at school was Sefton Cottom but bagpipes were definitely not on the syllabus!”
Bentley played his piece at the Royal Air Force Memorial on Pocklington Airfield. He said: “I chose that location because I often walk around the public pathway near there and think of the flyers. It is 100 years since the formation of the RAF and I had a late uncle in Hull who was a Spitfire pilot! Like many war veterans, he was most reluctant to talk about his war experiences and would only ride a bicycle after the trauma ? never drove.”
At 06:00 – the exact time the Armistice was signed on November 11, 1918 – Bentley along with around 1,000 pipers worldwide filled the air with a rendition of Pipe William Robb’s retreat march, ‘When the Battle’s O’er’ in a once in a lifetime tribute.
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