Inspired team effort delivers memorable performance

Posted by System Administrator on 06 Jun 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 20 Jun 2024



Children from Prep School Year 5 and 6 took audiences on a swashbuckling, song-filled journey deep into Sherwood Forest with their production of Hoodwinked.

The modern musical adaptation of Robin Hood saw Will Carver and James Sweeting lead their band of Merry Men with great gusto in their role as Robin Hood, while Olivia Perry and Spencer Moore as the Sheriff of Nottingham did their dastardly best to entrap them!

With a little help from Maid Marian, played beautifully by Clara Stewart and Lydia Bousfield, Robin managed to outwit the evil Sheriff and his bungling Deputy (Joss Cunliffe-Lister and Noah Pym) and rescue the citizens of Nottingham from a life of misery.

Year 5 teacher Kate Foster said: “The audience were treated to some fantastic singing, storytelling and character acting. From greedy Friars to cartwheeling Minstrels, every child worked so hard, whether on stage or as part of our invaluable backstage crew, to create a truly memorable show. Well done everyone! "

For a full photo album on Flickr click here.


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