Fourth Years impress with HPQ presentations

Posted by System Administrator on 28 Nov 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


Fourth Year pupils impressed a wide audience of parents, staff and fellow students at the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ) Presentations this week. The qualification, a level below the senior EPQ, challenges candidates to research, analyse and deliver a project of their choice within a given time-frame.

These presentations were a chance for pupils to show what they had learnt over the best part of this calendar year. We had lectures on euthanasia, robots, video games, Viking women, stop-motion animation, graphic novels and the rise of Pokémon. The students were knowledgeable, engaging and responded extremely well to wider questions from the audience.

Now that this HPQ cohort has nearly completed their projects, we are ready to invite a new group of Third Years to start their journeys in January. If you would be interested in doing an HPQ, or you are a parent who would like to find out more, please look out for an invitation to attend an information evening in the New Year.


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