Fifth Year Celebration Evening

Posted by System Administrator on 01 May 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Students all ready for the evening

For the last few weeks our Fifth Year students have been consumed by the long slog through those all important GCSEs. 

As a year group they have impressed us with their serious, professional and focused approach and we all wait for what we hope will be a celebratory day on Thursday 23 August, as all that work pays off and they head confidently into Sixth Form, leaving behind the blazer in a better place. 

Photo fun at the Fifth Year Celebration EveningOn Friday 15th June, we gathered to thank the students for all their hard work and to celebrate their time in Middle School with a James Bond themed mocktails and canapes evening followed, of course, by a karaoke mega-competition!  Never before has there been such a glamorous array of arrivals: from vintage cars to helicopters and mopeds in between!  A wonderful evening. 

Well done to all and enjoy that long summer break!

To view photographs from the Fifth Year Celebaration Evening, please click here.


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