Reducing waste, recycling where possible and avoiding single use plastics were the focus of Prep School pupils during visits from Eco Shed, a business promoting natural, organic, eco-friendly products.
Kallum from Eco Shed spoke to Year 2 about the six Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, Refuse and Rot! Children learned why it is important to take responsibility for our own waste and how we can all help our homes become zero waste.
His talk inspired Year 2 children to create posters to help remind us how to reduce our waste and promote the six R's around school.
Kallum showed Year 5 pupils a range of innovative products designed to reduce and hopefully eliminate single use plastics. These included soy wax wraps (an alternative to clingfilm); 'soap nuts' (instead of conventional washing powder); a toothbrush made from bamboo and plant polymers; and a bottle brush made from bamboo and coconut fibres.
Both classes also learned about ‘eco bricks’ – made with the unrecyclable single use plastics which do so much damage to the environment. He showed some amazing structures made from eco bricks, inspiring Year 5 to have a go at making their own later this term.
Year 5 feedback included:
“I’m surprised that so many of the products are made from plants.” - Georgina
“I didn't know about any of these products so it was useful to find out about them.” - Edward
“I thought that all plastics were bad so I was interested to find out about the different types and that single use plastics are the worst.” - Freddie
Kallum, whose business is based in Trinity Indoor Market, Hull, said: “The classes are a credit to their teachers, the school and themselves. I was amazed at how much they have already learnt in the brief time of this academic year so far.” Find out more about Eco Shed here: https://www.theecoshed.online/
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