Photo: Former parent Mr Jonathan Atkinson with Mr David Byas, Director of Sport, i/c cricket, with Pocklington School and Pocklington Prep School pupils
Pocklington School’s cricketers can now practise like professionals after a new bowling machine added a whole new dimension to batting in the nets.
The BOLA Junior Bowling Machine, donated by former parent Jonathan Atkinson, provides consistently accurate bowling, enabling pupils to enjoy non-stop batting practice and fun.
A speed, swing and spin control system means it can be adjusted for use by pupils across the Pocklington School Foundation, during both cricket lessons and for team match preparation.
Mr Atkinson’s son Jonty was 1st team cricket captain before he left the School last year and his daughter Millie, a 1st team hockey player, left in 2015.
He said: "Jonty enjoyed many hours practising in the nets, as well as playing for Pocklington School. I also very much enjoyed watching him and the Pocklington team in action.
“I wanted to express my gratitude to the coaches who dedicated so much time to helping Jonty and other pupils improve as players, as well as make it easier for future generations to sharpen their skills."
David Byas, Director of Sport, i/c Cricket, said: “The bowling machine is an excellent addition to the equipment that we already have. It is extremely adaptable, and the fact it’s portable means we can have the benefit of using it anywhere.
“Pupils from across the year groups have already been using the machine to improve their batting technique. I’d like to thank Mr Atkinson on behalf of them and future generations of pupils for his generous donation.”
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