China inspires creative talent in Prep School House Art competition

Posted by System Administrator on 11 May 2018

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


China’s animals, colours and landscapes inspired Prep School children to create impressive models and pictures for its annual House Art competition.

Children across the year groups discussed ideas in class before planning and making their own artwork in lesson time. Creations included paintings of pandas, dragons and cherry blossom trees, as well as some imaginative models.

The overall winner, chosen by Pocklington School’s Head of Art, Dan Cimmermann, was Isabelle Sweeting (Byland House), for her extraordinary handcrafted “Noodle Bowl, Chopsticks and Mat” model.

Highly commended entries, also selected by Mr Cimmermann were:  

Yr 6, Charlotte Stone (Fountains); Yr 5 Harriet Hodge (Rievaulx); Yr 4 Briagh Lawrie (Rievaulx); Yr 3 Lily Gill (Jervaulx); Yr 2 Freya Bean (Jervaulx); Yr 1 Noah Marley (Fountains) and Reception Suzanna Scott-Somers.

Art teacher Sarah Green said: “The ‘China’ theme really caught children’s imagination and I was absolutely delighted by their response to the topic, subsequent approach and their obvious enjoyment while creating their entries.”

She added: “House competition is a valuable way of encouraging bonds to form across the year groups, and House Art is particularly important as it allows the children to express themselves completely freely. The resulting pictures and models are always a delight to behold.”   

The class winners were:

6X Pollyanna Raper; 6Y Luca Maude; 6Z Islay Cunliffe-Lister

5X Clara Stewart; 5Y Alfie Cox; 5Z Isabelle Sweeting

4X Katy Brown; 4Y Daria Vornicel

3X Emily Longthorpe; 3Y Millie Hudson

Yr 2 class winners: Freddie Frost and Freya Bean

Yr 1: Roman Thompson

Reception: Suzanna Scott-Somers

Everyone’s work was put on display as part of a two day House Art Exhibition in the School Hall, where parents and friends were able to view them. Mrs Green thanked all staff and pupils for their efforts during the competition, adding: “It is hard work for everyone but the results are well worth it. The Exhibition really was a deserving tribute to the children’s endeavour.”


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