On Thursday 2nd December, Pocklington School Combined Cadet Force welcomed Brigadier David Colthup as our Inspecting Officer for our Biennial Inspection. The Inspection was originally scheduled for May 2020, but had to be postponed.
The Brigadier arrived at midday to be greeted by an Honour Guard parade, led by Upper Sixth student and cadet, CSM Thomas Brown. The parade included Fifth and Sixth Form cadets and Brigadier Colthup took the time to speak with every member of the 46 cadet strong parade.
During the afternoon, Fourth Year cadets joined the Fifth and Sixth Form students for a series of activities that included skill at arms, paint ball, the gun run, navigation, survival and fieldcraft.
Samantha Hughes, Contingent Commander Combined Cadet Force at Pocklington School said: "Brigadier Colthup thoroughly enjoyed meeting our cadets and discussing their cadet experiences so far. Our Contingent is one to be proud of and I am delighted that Brigadier Colthup, as well as our cadets and Officers all enjoyed the day - despite the very cold temperatures."
Membership of the CCF is part of the co-curricular provision at Pocklington School and training takes place on a Thursday afternoon 4-5pm. Pupils sign up on a voluntary basis and can opt for either the Army or RAF section. There are additional training opportunities such as overnight exercises, regional leadership competitions, adventurous training and Summer camps. To find out more, please click here.
Please click here to view a Flickr Album, showcasing the Biennial Inspection activities.
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