Working in media was the focus for the latest PSF Careers & Business Network event held at Pocklington School on 2 February. With two guest speakers from the BBC for the Q&A, the session proved to be highly popular with Sixth Form students, current and former parents, Network members, staff, and OPs attending.
With Headmaster Toby Seth leading the Q&A, Clare Frisby’s television presenting skills came to the fore as she engaged with the audience charting her career journey into broadcast journalism. Clare explained how resilience and tenacity combined with an inquisitive mind and a passion for news, were aptitudes that were fundamental to a career in media.
Former Pocklington School pupil, Chris Attridge, outlined how both technology and consumer behaviour have rapidly changed over the years, particularly with the rise of social media and the internet expanding both the speed and reach of breaking news compared to the bygone era of Teletext, and with ‘on demand’ putting the consumer firmly in control.
Both Clare and Chris emphasised the importance of accuracy, authenticity, and impartiality to high quality news broadcasting, especially within the BBC; even though technology has moved on, these aspects continue to be a key part of the job and are essential in upholding consumer trust in the BBC brand.
As the Q&A session came to a close, Clare invited audience members to participate in an interactive exercise to get everyone thinking about what it takes to work as part of a broadcast team and whether it might be a career possibility for them.
Following the formal Q&A session, audience members were invited to put their own questions to Chris and Clare before being free to mingle and initiate their own conversations as part of the networking session.
The Headmaster thanked Clare and Chris for giving up their time to speak at the event and for sharing their knowledge and experience so freely with audience members. He was particularly delighted to see so many students and younger OPs attending: “It is a great opportunity for students to make contacts, practise talking to business and professional people in a supportive environment and hone their networking skills – these are all highly sought-after skills by employers and will help them in their future careers whatever that might be!”
Clare commented, “I thought it was the most uplifting and inspiring event. The pupils were engaging and asked intelligent and thoughtful questions about BBC coverage. They were honest and curious, with a thirst to learn more - I’d have any one of them in our Look North team.”
Chris said: “I thoroughly enjoyed the evening once I’d relaxed a little in front of a live audience – I usually work behind the scenes with the online team! It was great to meet the Headmaster and some of the students, who asked plenty of good questions. As a former pupil myself, it was amazing to be back in school and see all the changes.”
Launched in 2017, the PSF Careers and Business Network is open to everyone in the wider Pocklington School community, and it aims to help Pocklington School students, and each other, thrive in a highly competitive world. The Network has its own LinkedIn group, which has over 530 members across the world and is a valuable career networking pool for members to draw on.
For more information, and to join the Careers & Business Network, contact Jenny Preston, Development Officer, development@pocklingtonschool.com .
Details of the next Careers & Business Network meeting will be announced on the Pocklington School website and social media.
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