Blue Wings success for CCF RAF cadets

Posted by System Administrator on 29 Jul 2019

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024


RAF cadet sat in pilot seat inside aeroplane, with instructor from RAF Linton-on-OuseCongratulations to the 15 Pocklington School CCF RAF cadets who have been awarded their Blue Wings after flying a plane themselves as the culmination of their aviation training.

The Combined Cadet Force cadets had to complete a ground training course, which included learning about aircraft instrumentation and controls, plus airfield layout, procedures and discipline, before learning how to fly in glider simulators.

They then put all their training into practice and flew themselves at RAF Linton on Ouse in June, to obtain their Aviation Training Package ATP Blue Wings.     

Patrick Dare, RAF Section Commander, Pocklington School CCF, said: “It always gives me great pride and satisfaction to see the cadets get their wings. The ground school training is demanding but it all becomes worthwhile when they get the chance to consolidate it all and take to the controls themselves.

“Many even tried some aerobatics during the flight, with some flying their own loop the loop. I am delighted with their progress and there is a very real possibility that all 15 will have the opportunity to train and pass their Bronze Wings in the next academic year.”

Headmaster Toby Seth presented the Blue Wings badges and certificates to the following Fourth Year students in assembly before the end of term: Thomas Burton; Freddie Griggs; Harry Chacksfield; Gabrielle Brace; Yanice Chu; Josh Gill; Ewan Robson; Finlay Cooper; Will Grewer; Florian Perthuisot; Ollie Eagle; Baptiste Arbet, and Leila Crowley.

Two other cadets, Lower Sixth Formers Josh Toulmin and Head Boy Michael Smith, were away in the Galloway Forest completing their Gold Duke of Edinburgh training and will receive their wings separately.

The CCF RAF division has had a successful year, with 26 cadets following Headstart First Aid training and eight cadets being awarded the Musician Blue Badge for their musical ability. Cadets also worked on their Methods of Instruction training, with Esme Littlewood (U6) passing all her assessments to earn a gold Instructor Cadet Lanyard.   

Pocklington School benefits from its own purpose-designed CCF centre on the campus, which is a key part of the broad range of co-curricular activities we offer. Fourth Year students can opt to be members of either the Army or RAF sections of the CCF, and many choose to continue their involvement into the Fifth Year and beyond. 

Uniformed CCF cadets and instructor stood in front of training aeroplane at RAF Topcliffe Here are some quotes from the cadets after completing the aviation training:

“I really enjoyed my flight. It was such a good experience.  Thank you for all who took time out of their day to give me this experience.”

“It was brilliant! This was my first time flying and I got to turn and control the plane.  I can’t wait to learn how to perform aerobatics next time I fly.”

“It was an amazing experience and I will never forget it.  All the staff were kind and very helpful.  The pilot was cool and we did some stunning tricks!”

“Great fun!  Only my second time flying and I controlled a loop and a barrel roll.”

"The flight was an amazing experience and I got my Blue Wings! Overall: fantastic – as always!"

Please click here to view a Flickr Album from the Pocklington School CCF RAF Aviation Training.


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