Sixth Form celebrates best ever exam results

Posted by System Administrator on 18 Aug 2022

Modified by System Administrator on 23 May 2024

Pockington School's Class of 2022 stood outside the Tom Stoppard Theatre on Leavers' Day

Students at Pocklington School are celebrating the culmination of their two year Sixth Form journey as they receive an outstanding set of A level and BTEC results.

In the face of the unprecedented challenges presented by the Coronavirus pandemic over the last two years, our ‘Class of 2022’ have displayed incredible courage, drive and resilience whilst placing trust in themselves and the dedicated academic, co-curricular and pastoral support offered by the School.   Their results reflect not only the hard work put in by both students and staff, but also the quality of the relationships between teachers and pupils - something that is valued extremely highly at Pocklington School and a vital aspect of ensuring students’ success. Their positive approach to working together, as well as determination to succeed and drive to work hard, are commendable and will stand them in excellent stead for the future.

Overall, 24% of all results were A* grade (or BTEC equivalent) with 46% of students gaining at least one A* grade and 22% gaining two or more A* grades. 49% of all results were at A* or A grade (compared with a national figure of 36.4%) and 74% were the A* to B grades sought by Russell Group universities. Eighteen different subjects had 100% A* to C grades and the overall pass rate for all subjects was 100%. The students have much to celebrate with 93.2% of exam results being A*-C grades – the school’s best ever examination results.

Tim Morris, Head of Sixth Form at Pocklington School said: “I am immensely proud of our students. They have grasped every opportunity presented to them and risen to my challenge of becoming the best version of themselves.

He continued: “I wish each and every one of them all the very best for their future endeavours. It is energising and exciting to know that such a fabulous group of young people are embarking on their journey into the big wide world.”

Sixth Form pupil receiving exam results

Armed with their results, the students can now look forward to a wide range of exciting futures. As they step into adulthood, the students will take with them not only their academic passport, but also the skills and qualities they have acquired during their time at Pocklington School, whether that be on the sports field, in the Music School/Theatre/Art and Design Centre, during CCF or Duke of Edinburgh Award, or through one of the many other co-curricular opportunities available at the School.

The students’ future pathways include apprenticeships, art foundation courses, drama college, music conservatoire and a variety of gap year plans in addition to those preparing to study for degree courses at university. University outcomes have been hugely successful this year with 88% of students achieving places at their first choice of institution and 98% gaining a place at their first or second choice.

Harry Chacksfield is excited to go to Cambridge University where he will study Engineering. He said: “Pocklington School has consistently challenged me academically and provided fantastic experiences outside the classroom too. I’ve enjoyed participating in music and drama productions, playing hockey, leading a programming club, training with the CCF, and much more.”

Abigail Ducker believes her two years studying in the Business and Economics Department at Pocklington School have given her confidence as she prepares to study Business, Economics and Finance at Loughborough University. She commented: “The huge amount of support that School has to offer has helped me achieve everything I have to date and I know it will serve me well throughout life. Pocklington has become like a family to me in such a short space of time and I will certainly miss it!”

Lauren Gaze is looking forward to starting a digital marketing apprenticeship at the Education Alliance and feels her time at Pocklington has prepared her well for this exciting opportunity.  She explained: “The teachers have been constantly on hand to offer help and support whenever I needed it, in or outside of lessons, which has really helped prepare me for exams and life after Pocklington. I will really miss the all-round family environment at Pocklington School.”

Tom Gledden is appreciative of the challenge and inspiration offered to him by staff throughout his time in the Sixth Form.  He commented: “I have been able to push myself beyond my comfort zone to follow a path into science and engineering whilst also studying Art. More than all of this, any great experience always comes back to the people involved. For me, Pock is a very special community of students and teachers that I will miss very much.”

Alice Howie has an exciting gap year planned in which she hopes to backpack her way through Ecuador, Peru and Chile before taking up her university place at Birmingham to study Environmental Science in 2023. She commented: “Experiencing a multitude of different opportunities at Pocklington School ranging from leadership roles to incredible trips away, has left me with heightened confidence to take my next steps. I am most excited to explore the amazing infamous trails throughout these countries, especially the Inca Trail as well as being able to form relationships with the locals through volunteering with Workaway programmes.”

Sixth Form students reading exam results

Ben Symes will be following his passion for the Japanese language, as he embarks on a four-year course in Japanese Studies at St John’s College, Cambridge. He sees this as a great opportunity, saying: “The prospect of studying a subject that I love, amongst like-minded peers, thoroughly excites me” and “I believe Pocklington School has given me the courage to face the upcoming challenges of university and beyond.”

Georgie Taylor will be heading to ArtsEd London Drama School, where she will begin a foundation course in Acting and hopes to pursue this further the following year.  Georgie is particularly thankful for the academic and pastoral support she received from School to help navigate her way through the audition and recall process, whilst balancing A levels, rehearsals and travel. She said: “I am obviously very sad to be leaving school, with the homely environment and friendships I have formed, but I feel thoroughly prepared for the future, and am so excited to take the next steps in my life towards the career I have always aspired to.”

Teal Woodall will be studying Politics and Philosophy at the University of Manchester. She said: “Pocklington School has provided me with the skills to transition into University life, something which I'm so excited for. The staff, in particular the Politics department, have fostered my enthusiasm and pushed me to achieve my best!”

Toby Seth, Headmaster at Pocklington School concluded: “We are proud of all our public examination candidates and, this year in particular, especially so. They have coped with over two years of pandemic-related disruption, and I am so very pleased to pay tribute to their efforts, and those of all our staff, particularly given that these are their first ever public examinations. I also have no doubt that our community’s approach to the pandemic has, in part, helped our pupils achieve this excellent set of results. Their tenacity, determination and fortitude have meant they are now ready for their next step in life. In addition, they have taken advantage of the huge range of co-curricular options available in School and in doing so have grown into wonderfully well-rounded adults. We wish them the very best of luck in whatever pathway they might choose.”

Infographic showing A level and BTEC results for Pocklington School's Class of 2022



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