In 2006 The Pocklington Pixies celebrated their 50th year.

When Mike Stevenson enthusiastically
formed The Pocklington Pixies 50 years
ago in 1956, what did he hope for? Did
he expect it would still be flourishing
half a century later? In the interim,
around 300 players have represented
it against almost 70 teams and it has
reached the final of a major national
club competition.
Early playing records are not complete
but it is safe to say that The Pixies have
won more games than they have lost and it is still turning out competitive teams,
both in its native Yorkshire and on the
annual tour of Kent and Sussex.
After the 1969 national club knock-
out final, early member John Hughes
made a plea at the club's AGM.
Despite the Cup success, he urged:
The Pixies should not lose sight of the
initial aim of encouraging cricket at the
School. It has never done that. The Pixies
are a club which relies on Pocklington
School to survive. In return it affords a valuable social
outlet for pupils and staff, and an even
more important cricket grounding for
its youngsters. For the Pixies to even
conceive of lasting another 50 years, the
link to the School must remain strong.
That's what Mike Stevenson wanted
when he created the Pixies for the benefit
of the school community at large. He'd
have been proud of what he achieved.
Happy 50th birthday, Pixies!
Marcus Townend
Many Pixies featured in the first ever game on The Memorial Field.
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